Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Hey hey hey~ they're playing our song!

I know it's been a month since my last update.. Seems that everytime i wanna update.. I cant seem to login ==;; Oh well, whats done is done..

Anyway, life has been awesome, been through quite a lot in this 1 month. XD But i dunno where to start... hahahaha..

Well I officially met Mieko on her early bday celebration where i got her a cake saying "Congratz Mieko, U R No Longer A Jailbait" or something like that and now she is one of my meido 8D

oh yeah and there's Sparda's birthday party which was on Deepavali,

Went to watch Pandorum, Surrogates and then random steamboat outing with Dyrenz, Aiko and the sabah gang.

Went out with Akiko to watch Inglorious Basterds,
and the randomness at the Vocaloid photoshoot with, Dei, Akiko, KC, Beat and the rest..

Then there's Emina Halloween trip to A'Famosa resort! which is filled with awesomeness!!! totally didnt regret going there XD

Then there's Honey's videoshoot for a party scene which we turn it into a real party coz it's Dai and Night's bday.. before the shoot i was out with my lovely sister and her boyfriend to eat steamboat. They hvnt seen me in weeks, and they said i look more muscular =) also, i am now able to wear the shirts that i couldnt wear for a while XD Feels so satisfied.. but not yet!

Those were only a few of the things that happened XP I shouldve put everything in the draw journal of mine.. ==;;

Anyway, yesterday i went and joined the Vaio X treasure hunt, which i failed to win.. Grrr i was thinking too much outside the box!! oh well, at least i get to win the consolation prize which is a cool laptop bag. Had steak at Pasta Zanmai before the treasure hunt, was pampering myself XD The steak is very reasonably priced.

And today I'm supposed to clean up the house and then go out for lunch with Norman who is in town from Kuching, hvnt seen him since Feb. Going to look forward to laugh and all coz that bugger is one funny SOAB.. LOL

I guess i'll update again soon, for now, time to clean up the house @_@;;; ciao,


Friday, October 9, 2009

Slacking off?

Yes, i havent been updating my blog for almost 3 weeks @_@ shiiiiiit.. becoz somehow everytime i wanna update, i cant seem to load the site =A=;;; Oh well, better late than never.

Aaaaand i think i've been slacking off a bit on my work outs =A=;; not good at all! but yea, its not like i stop working out, nonononono, its just that instead of everyday, now i'm only doing it like 4 times a week >< Still havent finish that work out schedule =/ hmmm you know what, i'll do it first thing in the morning later!

As some of you know, i've been out job hunting. Went for interview at and Celebrity Fitness. So far i know i didnt get the job at CinemaOnline coz they dont need ppl in marketing atm. and for CF, they're forwarding my resume to the main branch. Other than that, my part time voice over job is finally picking off. Has been given the books that i'm suppose to do the audio for the audio textbooks.

Also, i've been hunting jobs online as well, hoping to land on a good solid job with fixed time and salary. Coz i need moneh! for car, gym, costume!!! MOST IMPORTANT IS COSTUME!!

Later today, once i'm done with work outs and also that schedule thing, going to Foxey's house for makan-makan! Her open house starts at 8.30pm, so gonna meet up with Beatbox at 7.30 then go together. On Saturday pulak, got Animax event and after the event i got an interview with Animax ppl for a postion in the Animax Youth Council which i really hope i can get so that i get to travel around to overseas for events!

After that interview is done, gonna have yet another Silent Hill marathon at my place! Finished Silent Hill 2 last week, so this week gonna finish Origins and 3 if can. Anyone else wanna join? =)

Then on sunday maybe go to Sony event at the curve and try my luck on Soul Calibur or bomberman tourney.

I think thats about it for now, till then,


Saturday, September 19, 2009

Eid Mubarak

First of all, 1 month of fasting is coming to an end, meaning Eid Mubarak is drawing near. And i'd like to wish those everyone a happy and great Eid Mubarak or Selamat Hari Raya.

It has been 4 weeks since i've started Project GoW. I've been slacking off a bit coz i did not feel well 2 days back.. Headache + vomiting.. Cant complete my usual set of work outs coz of that. But dont worry, i'll take it easy for a while. Still continuing my routine. And starting to plan on my new schedule after raya.. I mean, working out around 11pm - 5am timezone is not healthy. The only reason i am doing it is because of fasting month, and working out during the day would be a torture as i cant drink or rehydrate myself.

At the same time, i am updating my resume coz i need to find a job, for the time being i am interested to get a job in but yea, not sure if i can land a position in that company and if i do, what kind of job? Oh well, one question at a time.

Oh, apart from that, i have been going out like mad last week. Come to think of it.. i've been going out a lot in this fasting month. LOL went shopping spree and got myself a lot of new goodies. Got new jeans coz yea, the old ones looks rather retarded on me now coz they're huge.. =P hahahaha! And another note, Gamer is a good movie. so is The Ugly Truth. Gerard Butler is really a great actor! gotta love his performance and talent. Do catch those 2 movie as they are worth your time and money.

And till then, I'd like to wish everyone a great Eid Mubarak.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom,

its 09/09/09, and it's my mom's bday. Happy birthday mom!

And counting the number of days since Project GoW has started.. hmmm seems to be going into day 17.. And yes, results are showing, physically and mentally.. Now i am able to do 250 crunches in less than 15 minutes if i want to. Push ups, dips and squats still need some working. But hey, from 50 crunches only last time to 250 is a real improvement!


Anyway, i am more motivated as seeing the possibilities i can do once i am buff and fit. Cosplay projects are countless!!! MUAHAHAHA Oh yea, Soul Calibur for PSP that is featuring Kratos in the game is out and i am playing it everyday now! More than inspired to really buff up now.

And i have been looking for epic kratos cosplay.. and so far i seen nothing as such. So i am hoping to make history and again, set the bar standard for cosplay in Malaysia.

Anyway, cant write much as i am now only taking a short break from my work out, gonna continue again after this! WISH ME LUCK!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

After more than a week..

After a week of Project GoW... I must say so myself, results are showing.. My biceps are as hard as a rock and getting huge cept for that layer of fat that's still there ==;;; Oh well, one step at a time.

And so i am still motivated and also going to continue even more hardworks for my workouts. I still need to find a cardio workout that works for me. Still doing researches and all that at the moment.

Oh, in other news, it was Malaysia's birthday yesterday. And i went and joined the Merdeka Party Train! hahaha so much randomness and fun but a bit tiring as i was fasting at the same time! XD I'm telling you, its more tiring than working out for one and a half hour.. HAHAHA no shit!
And being the 31st, i went to BR and bought 1 pint of ice cream... I KNOW!! its bad for me, but now it gave me sugar high, and now i am pumping the weights, well, at least taking a break now.. LOL

Anyway, going to have dinner at Damansara Uptown with the gang tmr, and today i'll get some rest.. I cant wait for Friday as we are going to buka puasa at Al-Andalus, means one thing... SHISHA!!!!! YEAH BABY!!!

Haha, till then,


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Muscles sore..

I'm feeling sore all over... But luckily after a hot shower, i feel better. It's already day 4 for the Project GoW. I hafta say, i am not trying my best.. Probably because working out without drinking and empty stomach is harder than it seem..

But i hafta say, i am doing more reps day by day and its starting to feel easy and natural. Did 200 reps of crunches and 90 reverse crunches with ease. But yea, I know i can do better. But i am not going to overdo it.

Time and time, i take breaks and go online, play dragonica and also a short nap. Wonder if this sort of cycle is working or not.. Only time will tell i guess.

Fasting has made me eat only once a day, and that is during 'buka puasa'.. meaning 1 meal.. then for sahur and in between, its just low fat chocolate milk for the calcium, protein and stuff. A bit of snacks also.. seems like only a few bites i'm feeling full already these days.

I'm hoping to change those snacks to fruits and veges.. but i need a fridge for that to happen.. And atm, there is no such thing in my apartment =P

So anyway, i havent been slacking off yet, and hope not to do so anytime soon.. I WILL BE.. KRATOS!!

Dunno what else to write as working out is only what i do these days.. Watching bit of tv..wait.. more like just now only i watch tv for days.. lol.

I might need to put up my schedule and routine. That will help preventing me from slacking off coz ppl will know what i am suppose to do XD

Anyway, thats it for now, and enjoy guys. Tomorrow going out with Sean, Dei, Reno, Mits and Meg. Looking forward for it. Of coz this means i have to double time tmr before going out =P oh well, NO PAIN NO GAIN!

Monday, August 24, 2009

On the road of becoming.. The Ghost Of Sparta

As some of you may know, i created this blog a year ago for the purpose as to be used as a medium to sell my cakes and desserts.

Well, after a year and no update from me, i decided to use this blog as a main blog for me to write about things i love, and also random things. I might also still be selling em cakes.

Okay, back to the main topic, as written up there, some might know who the Ghost of Sparta is and some of you might not. So saving us time from all the confusion. I'll finally say it out to the public as it is a good motivation for myself as well.

I am planning to cosplay Kratos. The God Of War. Yes, I've been planning to do so for quite sometime. And now, i am putting all my might and determination to make it happen. So i'm letting the people and friends know about it so i'm reminded all the time that i have a goal to fulfill.

Cosplay has always been my favorite pass time. It is fun and also challenging. From simple beginning to epic changes, it's rewarding to see people's reactions. First epic cosplay from me as some of you may remember, was Hellboy. Which debuted in CF 2007. I cant say i am satisfied with the costume, but it has given me the chance to take the title of Best Cosplayer 2007 for Comic Fiesta. And after that, it's never been the same..

I've always wanna 1-up my costumes from the previous ones. Well, some of them isnt that epic but still satisfying as they're my fav characters, for example last GACC, Duke and also The Emperor of Britannia. Nemesis by far is the most epic costume i have. And this coming CF... I'll top that costume with not one, but 2 costumes. That is, if everything goes to plan.

And enough small talk, I guess, the main purpose i'm posting this post, is to let people know that today was the first day of Project GoW. And i'm trying my best to lose em weight and gain all the muscles needed for me to be Kratos.

I'll keep you guys updated soon enough XD